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Building out wall in shower along top plate

1+ hour, 16+ min ago — 

favicon diy.stackexchange.com > questions

Two questions about a 1950s build -

1+ hour, 49+ min ago — 

...throughout the house to make it easier to get the doors in, and my contractor...

favicon diy.stackexchange.com > questions

Is there a benefit in replacing/reinforcing the backboards in Ikea cabinet frames?

2+ hour, 10+ min ago — 

...I'm about to assemble a few Ikea cabinet frames and was wondering... ...Ikea themselves in the assembly manuals notes some potential issues...

favicon diy.stackexchange.com > questions

How to troubleshoot bedroom light switch

4+ hour, 10+ min ago — 

favicon diy.stackexchange.com > questions

How to find floor joists through concrete slab?

4+ hour, 54+ min ago — 

...Unfortunately, when the contractor fixed the joist, they could not... ...a person cannot get into that space (meaning I can't drill a starter...

favicon diy.stackexchange.com > questions

Ceiling fan/light with remote on same switch with another light

5+ hour, 15+ min ago — 

...The wiring runs from the breaker to the switch, then the shower,...

favicon diy.stackexchange.com > questions

Current capacity on a 220 circuit

7+ hour, 48+ min ago — 

...I have 220 circuit with a 60 dp breaker....

favicon diy.stackexchange.com > questions

Furnace sometimes turns off after heating for a while

8+ hour, 25+ min ago — 

...Thermostat: Nest 3rd Gen Furnace: Allied Air #80G1UH070AP12-55 Wiring...


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